Formally he was a senior functionary at the US embassy in Ankara.
IGC-Bihar's work on the growth experience and flood management analysis was also undertaken on the advice of the Chief Minister and senior functionaries like the Development Commissioner and Finance Secretary.
The senior functionary on boards was Amir Aslan Afshar, the grand master of ceremonies.
Mohan Bhagwat, senior functionary of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh, is also from Chandrapur.
The Secretary-General, in turn, is assisted by senior functionaries at the level of Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary and other officers and staff of the Secretariat.
It was the brainchild of Joan Varley, then a senior functionary at Conservative Central Office, who had noted that Labour activists - and Labour views - seemed over-influential in non-political organisations.
He was a senior ranking functionary of the Sumati Morarjee Shipping Company after his retirement from the Indian civil service.
This is a rather surprising analysis for a man who, until the Bosnian war, was a bureaucrat in Yugoslavia's state-owned factories and then a senior functionary in a town administration that sought to protect citizens from life's sharp corners.
Between 1147 and 1359 the castle was inhabited by the family of a senior functionary (famille de ministériels) employed by the Bishop of Strasbourg.
The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, or Lord Chancellor, is a senior and important functionary in the government of the United Kingdom.