The only individuals we could specifically identify him having contact with were my senior operatives.
I want a piece of paper: something recent, with a senior operative's signature, to put in the file before it leaves here.
In several earlier operations, a senior operative has overseen final preparations before slipping away as the plot was carried out.
It's just a little understanding between your dad and his more senior operatives.
He offers Winters, one of the senior operatives, the opportunity to temporarily assume Morrow's position.
Both brothers worked clandestinely as senior operatives for British Intelligence throughout the war.
"As is the reason one of your senior operatives believed it was worth killing for?"
These have certainly killed some of the senior operatives of al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
These men are senior operatives, one from each department.
"Never presume to issue demands to a senior operative of the Obsidian Order."