As the most senior female pilot, she retired with over 31 years total service in December, 2007.
At that time (the early 80's), the son, a senior 747 pilot, earned $150,000.
The senior pilot sat on a cluttered desk in front of the lit window.
They kept shooting puzzled glances across at the two senior pilots.
The airline has calculated that 800 to 1,000 of its most senior pilots would immediately retire.
This also stirred ill feelings toward him since he had jumped over two more senior pilots.
He became one of Intercontinental's senior and most trusted pilots.
The article said the most senior pilots make more than $300,000 a year for 80 hours of work a month.
She is a senior pilot with more than 3,200 flight hours and over 330 combat hours.
I was hired as senior pilot to lead the expedition.