She was appointed to a senior professorship in philosophy at Yale in 2001 and held this position from 2002 to 2010.
However, as university budgets have shrunk and senior professorships remain unfilled, the hope of academic careers in the arts and humanities has diminished drastically.
She has previously held senior professorships at the University of California and the University of Florida.
His gift, which would have endowed seven senior professorships and four junior professorships, was designed to fill that perceived gap.
Several hold senior professorships at important universities.
The Wolfson Professor of Criminology is a senior professorship at the University of Cambridge.
Regius Professor of Modern History is one of the senior professorships in history at Cambridge University.
Seniorprofessor (distinguished senior professorship): A special arrangement where a professor close to retirement is freed from the requirement to lecture and does only research.
Since then, he continues his research with a senior professorship at the Rudolf Virchow Center.
It is a time-honored perquisite of senior professorship to have students act as minions, fetching books from the library and doing grunt research.