Her father was dead, as were most of his senior retainers.
At the time, Naoshige was a senior retainer of the Ryuzōji clan.
Glancing at them sideways, she could see they were senior retainers.
Each of these was given to a senior retainer who ran it as his own small castle town.
As Katamori is unavailable, they are instead met by two of his senior retainers.
Munisai soon became the most senior retainer of this clan and enforced Shinmen policies.
The senior retainers had personal retainers who resided in these castle towns.
It was Shoji Kiyoshi, her father's senior retainer, who had been wounded and feared dead.
Deeply trusted by Masamune, he was made a senior retainer at the young age of 35.
Four of his senior retainers decided to follow him in death by committing Junshi .