In 1609 came the most sensational discovery of his life.
If, indeed, it had been bugged, then he would reveal this sensational discovery to the press and public.
But why would she invent a complete fantasy and palm it off as a sensational new discovery?
On Monday morning a further sensational discovery came to light.
Within hours, a still more sensational discovery was made.
For answer he took up the newspaper and read alohd: '"A sensational discovery was made last night.
Lucy gave him a precise recital of the events which had led up to her sensational discovery.
Toward the end of the 20th century, two sensational discoveries fueled new research on both sides of the Atlantic.
Dave: We're following up some exciting physics here, really a sensational discovery, we believe.
In my eyes, at least, it was a sensational discovery that there were no protests from the Americans.