Eccles started in sensational fashion winning the first eight legs, but couldn't close out the third set.
Red Licorice took the Derby in really sensational fashion, an now this magic colt had taken the fancy of all race-dom.
She found that out in a sensational fashion.
The 1894-95 series began in sensational fashion when England won the First Test at Sydney by just 10 runs having followed on.
As both team manager and joint owner of the team, his hard work has been rewarded in sensational fashion.
He quickened clear of the field in "sensational" fashion to win by four lengths from Bold Edge in a course record time of 1:109.51.
"But I am inclined to wonder"-he looks thoughtful-"why your government has seen fit to place you in such prominence, and in such a sensational fashion."
All her investments had prospered, some in quite a sensational fashion.
And it has been in the nature of documentary television to also exploit the subject of mental handicap in a sensational fashion.
Warner Bros' most successful decade yet closed in sensational fashion.