Two years later, at the age of fourteen, he became a novice with such sensational publicity that he then earned more than many matadors.
But the series ran with just one minor cut, he said, and the sensational publicity did wonders for the ratings.
The copycat effect refers to the tendency of sensational publicity about violent murders or suicides to result in more of the same through imitation.
But audiences, who were drawn in part by the show's sensational publicity, began to make the show a hit.
He received sensational national publicity with his bulldogging exhibition at the 1904 Cheyenne Frontier Days.
The sensational publicity should ensure victory.
The sensational publicity and coverage generated by the case prolonged her interest.
Despite sensational publicity that Lindbergh's flight attracted, Lawrance himself remained in relative obscurity.
The twin brother of one of these men was in a different part of the mine at the time, and much sensational publicity was given his subsequent condition.
An early romance with the future dancer Marcelle Rahna ended in sensational publicity when she fired a revolver at him and then at herself.