Alive, and then a memory, a senseless loss of life that shouldn't have happened.
It had been a senseless loss of life, not to mention the loss of a dedicated doctor and a good friend.
Eric was stunned, aching with grief and the abrupt senseless loss.
But he did experience a moment of regret for the senseless loss of life, and a determination to bring the killers to justice.
Their senseless loss is our shame, and one that we cannot deny.
But to mourn them with senseless loss of health and balance would also be insulting- not only to their memory, but to the entire race.
The senseless losses are a blow to the morale of the remaining Galactica pilots.
Or was he still angry over the senseless loss of life caused by the Cardassians?
That his resident died trying to save him makes it a doubly senseless loss.
Her senseless loss leaves us all feeling a profound sorrow.