The 1990's finds us in the age of sensible eating and good value.
While there's not much scientific evidence proving that food choices can reduce period pain, there's no doubt that sensible, healthy eating in general is good for you.
Knowing Nutrition A Gallup survey on diet and health has found that most Americans have a good idea about sensible eating.
But once aerobic workouts and sensible eating are combined, the results in three months or so can be miraculous.
For low-calorie foods to help, the council said, they have to be part of a program of sensible eating and exercise.
The company, founded on a philosophy of sensible eating and increased exercise, decided to leap on the bandwagon.
WITH summer - and bathing suits - around the corner, it is time for sensible eating.
Cooking of meat, fish or fowl is rewarding but lets embrace good food of all walks , sensible eating, from farm to fork.
The Personality Type Diet is based on sensible eating and exercise.
Most childhood weight-loss programs achieve results through counseling, sensible eating and more activity.