And she never wanted to see another "sensible" shoe in her life.
The first offers sensible shoes for the serious executive whose work takes him or her to another city.
Well, she had on her sensible shoes; let them earn their keep!
She wore glasses, and had rather large feet in very sensible looking shoes.
The sensible shoes shouldn't have led him to speculate on her legs.
So I'd tie my newly sensible shoes and set out.
You'd think that with all my running around lately, I would have chosen more sensible shoes.
Like many of the others, she is 60-ish, with short gray hair, wearing sensible shoes and a little lipstick.
Billy'd obviously been on duty when the kids called in about the body, because he was wearing sensible shoes.
But a sensible shoe synonymous with middle age, sold by a 174-year-old English company?