This process seems to have been handled badly, even if it is not one that lends itself to sensitive treatment.
Unfortunately a corny skeletal hand mars an otherwise sensitive treatment of a painful subject.
The issue appeared a few months after two events strained the news media's capacity for accurate and sensitive treatment of religion.
In fact, the figurine, despite its vastly different scale and the less sensitive treatment of the details, is clearly the bronze's double.
But sensitive treatment by the Fund and the Bank has persuaded Ethiopia's government to believe, triumphantly, that it is all its own idea.
In 1787 Robert Hamilton (1749-1830) described a case of a soldier suffering from nostalgia, who received sensitive and successful treatment:
The report also calls for guidelines to insure "historically sensitive treatment" of the buildings it owns in the area.
Cleaner Shrimp are amusing and attractive creatures - but sensitive to copper treatments.
The compassionate and sensitive treatment should not harm the search for sound forensic and other evidence.
Rathi Nirvedam was a sensitive treatment of teenage sexual angst.