Its ultrasonic sensors allow it to come within 1" of objects without colliding with them.
This sensor allows to scroll in both horizontal and vertical directions.
Inertial sensors in the headset allowed the system to track and react to the movements of the user's head.
Other computer-based sensors and improvements will allow planes to safely fly closer together than they do now.
This large sensor allows videos to be recorded with very shallow depth of field for a "film look".
The sensor doesn't control the pump but allows a diabetic to make quicker, presumably better decisions.
Both engines use knock sensors and adaptive controls to allow a range of available fuel use.
Such sensors could allow people to operate devices from anywhere there is an Internet connection.
Several sensors detecting the same sound would allow the system to fix the exact location of the gunshot and signal the authorities.
Advances in computer power and advanced sensors will allow for much closer control of the overall metalworking processes.