Zinreich believes that the sensor significantly improves the precision with which surgeons can excise brain tumours, and enables them to operate through smaller flaps in the skull.
These sensors enable the system to measure temperature, conductivity, depth, flow measurement, fraction of light in the water and the fluorescence.
The sensors, which pass through the digestive system, enable medical staffs to monitor the temperatures using hand-held devices from the sidelines.
The large sensor enables pixel oversampling, which means the combination of many sensor pixels into one image pixel.
These sensors also enable the inhabitants to detect any ships that are on their way to the city, and thus be warned.
When the keyboard is not in use, the sensors enable the computer to reduce power to an idling mode.
The sensors enabled the astronomers to distinguish quasars from other faint objects.
Robots and automated sensors enable such large-scale experimentation and data acquisition.
That sensor enables Ambient Display technology to adjust screen brightness and color saturation automatically.
The sensors on this autonomously driven vehicle can pinpoint its location exactly and enable it to respond to its environment more safely.