The sensor module mounted in a two-foot rail costs about $100, compared with $50 or so for the most expensive bubble levels.
At the front door, Wesley paused by a sensor module with a numeric keypad that was attached to the wall.
There are sensor modules that sense and report temperature, light, infra-red, motion, or contact openings and closures.
Some semiconductor models are designed specifically to allow the sensor module to be replaced without the need to send the unit to a calibration lab.
The company also provides reference designs, functioning sensor modules, and developer's toolkits.
"If I could make a direct interface with Titan's sensor module, it'd be a big help."
Press that, and the sensor module switches into high gear.
"Did they mention swapping out the sensor modules?"
It involves in design and development of optics and sensor modules that can be deployed either onboard satellite or with the launch vehicle.
Pazlar reported with rising frustration, "Cascade failures in the sensor module!