Cody linked into the Terrace on a full sensory connection.
"What we hope emerges here is not just our long-standing love affair with travel," she writes, "but also our conviction that there is a sensory and spiritual connection between the travel experience and the use of the camera."
The neural, audio, visual, and sensory connections were made and sealed.
Earlier this month, the Lithuanian theater director Eimuntas Nekrosius's powerfully eccentric vision of the work lured audiences into a palpable sensory connection to the play that was particularly suitable to the cold, wet summer nights of Denmark.
The failure of motility observations adequately to explain symptoms has led many to consider the sensory or afferent connections between the gut and the brain.
After the business with the mad Brit, he had made damned sure there was no way to turn his computer into what was effectively a capacitor that might be able to deliver an electric charge through the sensory connections.
That means both strengthening leg muscles and teaching the athletes how to sharpen their own reactions - how to hone the crucial sensory connections between muscles, nerve endings and brain.
More primitive forms have sensory connections, but arranged without order.
There's just a chance I can make some kind of sensory connection across a line connected to that other ship.
Motor connections from the brain to the spinal cord, and sensory connections from the spinal cord to the brain, both cross the midline at the level of the brainstem.