Functional neurological deficit can present with any motor or sensory symptom in the body including:
In some people, the headache is preceded by an aura of visual, sensory or motor symptoms that last for less than an hour.
According to Kidd, motor symptoms develop first followed by the sensory symptoms.
At least a third of people also experience sensory symptoms.
"I became more convinced that I was having sensory symptoms," he said on Thursday.
Mild sensory symptoms are present, such as numbness and tingling.
It is evident that the details of the sensory symptoms get overlooked when testing a patient's localizing capacity.
A common treatment for sensory symptoms is occupational therapy.
Patients may report minor sensory symptoms, but constitutional signs are usually absent.
In two siblings, with severe peripheral motor deficits and moderate sensory symptoms, the disease had relatively little impact on the central nervous system.