Brahmacharya is also observed to contain one's sensual desires for food and taste, as well as materialism.
The emanations from the virtue with which his heart was stored never permitted the fire of the passions to excite sensual desires.
He tells Jane that giving up Rosamond was a "victory" over his sensual desires.
There were other moments when I sat beside her and burned with sensual desire and kissed objects she had touched.
Medardus cannot resist the devil's elixir, which has been entrusted to him and which awakens in him sensual desires.
Their decisions may then be limited to gratification of sensual desires, particularly those involving interactions with other people.
In accordance with this, they laid a garland of flowers between them before they went to bed, determined not to yield to sensual desire.
The driving force within this realm is sensual desire.
This purification is achieved by eliminating sensual desires.