He thought how ironic it was that he had been dreaming of this for weeks, and now there was no joy, no excitement in it, nothing sensual whatever.
He felt the jostle of bodies with the same sensual joy that a child might experience driving his arms full length into warm sand on the seashore.
Bells ring as you enter her 'Sensual World', bells of celebration, of sensual joy.
This is because the subway sage, Stan Fischler, took me on a ride through the system two years ago that opened my mind, eyes and ears to the sensual joys underground.
How light, from passion to be free, And sensual joys to let go by!
As for Marie, she was jubilant, using a cheese knife to slash through the wrapping cloth with almost sensual joy.
Education made her more nearly satisfied with life; Odeen could sense a kind of sensual joy in Dua that he had scarcely ever felt before.
There had once been the incredible sensual joy of being on the receiving end of Maureen's special kisses.
They live only for sensual joys.