"It was the sensuous aspect and pleasure of working with water that we were trying to show," Ms. Hunter-Stiebel said.
Randall's art revels in the joyful, sensuous and whimsical aspects of everyday life.
Appeals to sensuous aspects of your personality that you hadn't dreamed could possibly-" Calhoun cleared his throat loudly, and the interruption snapped Tobias from her reverie.
Writer Philip Roth defined the "sensuous aspects of fiction" as "tone, mood, voice, and, among other things, the juxtaposition of the narrative events themselves".
For the sensuous aspect specific to Odissi, one had to wait for Guru Mohapatra.
Now, under the influence of Orphism, the tendency to reinstate the more sensuous aspects of painting grew stronger.
It means "sweet," invoking the sensuous aspect of the mystical experience.
There is always a sensuous aspect to collecting, a sense of physical relationship with the object, particularly well suited to the delicate, etched surface of the LP.
What's lacking is the sensuous aspect, the luxury, the spectacle of Baroque opera.
He believed himself impervious to music's sensuous aspects, preferring to view music as a purely moral discipline.