With her sensuous smile and her bare shoulders, she could be likened to a contented cat who knows she has found a good home.
She gave him a slow, sensuous smile and extended her hand, allowing him to help her up, taking her time about it, too.
He smiled at her, a slow, sensuous smile that set off a strange, tingling reaction somewhere in the area of her stomach.
He remembered the proud tilt of her head, her slow sensuous smile.
The firelight accented Rae's wickedly sensuous smile as she faced him.
"Give me a little time and I'll show you how remarkable you can be," she answered, a lazy, sensuous smile spreading across her face.
His full lips lifted in a sensuous smile.
His lips curled into a sensuous smile, and he leaned low against her, just brushing her mouth with the breath of a kiss.
I'll bet, thought Ronni, interpreting the sensuous smile and feeling a warm little shiver go through her.
As Julian had promised, he cast her smoldering glances and graced her with sensuous smiles.