The sensuous sound of words assumes a gradual dominance over their intellectual meaning.
Thea laughed lightly, a deep sensuous sound.
One could also admire Mr. Levingston's sensitivity to the isolated musical moment and his loving ear for sensuous sound.
By coincidence, they arrive at almost the same place, an arena of thickly colliding masses of sensuous sound.
The voices had heft but rejected vibrato; sensuous sound was not pursued and not achieved.
Meanwhile, an ensemble famous for its sensuous sound plays on in the venerable but acoustically stifling Academy of Music.
Men in black guided women in heels and sleek hose to the sensuous sounds of the accordion-like bandoneon.
The forest rustled with ma- cabre, sensuous sounds.
But she can still produce one of the most sensuous sounds on the current opera circuit.
In the theater we forgive bad-looking singers because they make sensuous sounds.