Eric Bana plays the film's moral center, a former Mossad agent sent on a mission to eliminate those responsible for the murders.
One of Yellow Turban's assassin that were sent to eliminate Qwan's existence.
"Now, you will tell me everything your government knows about October Dawn and why you were sent to eliminate them."
His written decision would be sent to the Inter-Claim office by facsimile copier to eliminate any possibility of ambiguity.
Screelings are sent to eliminate a threat to the Keeper.
A portly individual sent by the Boss to eliminate Bucciarati and company.
I have been sent from the Soviet Union to eliminate you.
In an urban level, for example, snipers can be sent onto rooftops to eliminate unsuspecting enemies below.
In his first assignment after returning to the service, he is sent to Sweden to eliminate Caselius, a long-time enemy agent.
So a contingent of demons had been sent to eliminate that friar.