On 13 December 2007 he was sentenced to an additional three years' jail for offences against a third boy.
In March 1997 he was sentenced to three years' jail for stealing $122,585 in campaign donations.
He was sentenced to four years' jail with a minimum non-parole period of 16 months.
Choo was sentenced to two weeks' jail and fined S$10,000.
In February 2007, he was sentenced to three months' jail and a S$4,000 fine.
However the courts didn't believe his story and he was sentenced to eight year's jail.
Rose was sentenced to 18 months' jail the following day.
In 1983 he was sentenced to 16 years' jail, reduced to nine in 1989.
In 2008, a 56-year-old man was sentenced to 57 years' jail and 12 strokes of the cane for rape.
It would give an amnesty to those over 60 sentenced to less than three years' jail.