Tougher sentencing laws for drug peddlers and more jails to house the criminals will not alone set America back on a strong moral foundation.
Conservatives say it is tougher sentencing laws.
It is unclear whether the slower growth in the prison population could be interpreted as a sign that tougher sentencing laws are successful.
Law enforcement officials are taking credit for the decrease based on new policing methods, better prosecution strategies or tougher sentencing laws.
Speculation abounded, ranging from tougher sentencing laws to the benefits of jogging.
Governor Whitman recently credited the state's tougher sentencing laws with helping to reduce the violent crime rate.
Tougher sentencing laws have long been used to deter violent crimes against minority groups or those in dangerous public jobs, like police officers.
The case led to a wide public outcry for tougher sentencing laws pertaining to juvenile offenders.
A supporter of the death penalty and tougher sentencing laws, Davis blocked nearly all parole recommendations by the parole board.
Officials attributed the decrease to aggressive enforcement, tougher sentencing laws and job creation under a strong economy.