A single sentient thought began pounding at Vittoria with unrelenting force.
There is also a village of black mages that have gained sentient thought, who reside in the Outer Continent, as well.
One such engine even develops sentient thought due to a recursive algorithmic loop.
Ryan's last sentient thought was that the sore place on his neck was throbbing fit to burst.
It is illogical," Spock countered, "to disregard the role of emotion in sentient thought.
Even the average centurion robot Cylon soldiers were capable of sentient thought.
Appointing Mundell to any position at all which requires even a modicum of sentient thought must be an act of supreme desperation.
He was treated like a menial robot, just another program to order around, not like a normal human being with sentient thoughts.
The crystal shard closed in its magic, kept its sentient thoughts deep within its squared sides.
A computer system that's developed the capacity for sentient thought.