Landreau was even more pleased when the prevailing sentiment favored his solution.
In the growing sentiment favoring rebellion, the 3rd Regiment resigned en masse from British service on October 3, 1774.
He explained that constitutional law, generally, as well as public sentiment, has recently favored cameras in the courtroom.
American sentiment favored the Cuban rebels and President Grant appeared to be on the verge of acknowledging Cuban belligerency.
Britain was officially neutral in the conflict between North and South, but private and public sentiment favored the Confederacy.
That sentiment clearly does not favor family preservation at the expense of doing what is best for the child.
The sentiment in this crew room favored compromise over confrontation.
But public sentiment does not favor such action.
Suzanne Lewis, Yellowstone's superintendent, said that even if public sentiment overwhelmingly favored more restrictions, the final rule would most likely reflect the selected plan.
Rank and File Wanted to Return For the last several weeks, the sentiments of the rank and file favored going back to work.