As the war progressed into the late 1960s public sentiment against the Chemical Corps increased.
But by 1970, even as antiwar sentiment increased across the nation, "Laugh In" eased up on its dovishness.
After the US entered the war, anti-German sentiment increased across the country.
In recent years, sentiment against capital punishment has increased, with a bill in 2001 losing by 34 votes in the House.
Anti-foreign sentiments increased and led to killing of foreigners and Chinese Christians.
Anti-Western sentiment in China has been increasing since the early 1990s, particularly amongst the Chinese youth.
In the 1970s - 1980s antisemitic sentiments in Turkey have increased.
Major media, political parties, and a large share of the public believe that anti-immigrantion sentiment has increased since the country's riots of 2005.
In contrast however, the popularity of the Chinese government has significantly declined as anti-Beijing sentiments increase.
Foreign aid will come slowly, he said, the economy will continue to falter in the midst of a global slowdown, and anti-Western sentiment may increase.