"But gloomy sentiment will persist until the slowing of inflation has been demonstrated again and until better M3 figures are published," he said.
Despite the process of ethno-religious fusion among the Orthodox Christians, strong nationalist sentiments persisted into the Catholic community in the northwestern part of the country.
However, they said a sentiment persisted among market participants that efforts to relieve inflationary pressures, including increases in interest rates, may affect exchange rates soon.
Although racial and colonial definitions of the Middle East are no longer considered ideologically sound, the sentiment of unity persists.
He said that he couldn't rule out the market continuing to fall even beyond that point if the bearish sentiments in New York and Tokyo persisted.
But in some quarters, the sentiment persists that preschool is just a fancy term for baby-sitting.
The performers said that anti-Armenian sentiment persists in Azerbaijan due to the long-lasting Karabakh conflict.
That sentiment persists, though an American diplomat noted: "It's not only Americans.
This sentiment would persist until the subsequent mass Soviet resettlements, arrests, executions and famines of 1933-38.
This proves that aggressive anti-Polish sentiment still persists.