At the beginning of this century, sentiments swung further in that direction when Max Planck found that even light was emitted in packets.
Small wonder that opinion surveys show that public sentiment, while still behind the royals, is swinging more and more against them.
They feel that public sentiment is swinging against them.
THE performance of Barrick Gold's stock shows that the sentiment of the gold market has swung sharply against hedging.
Still, sentiment could easily swing back to the negative.
If the data show that the economy is still robust, then the sentiment could swing toward a move by the Fed sooner than later.
But in recent polls, public sentiment has swung narrowly against the euro.
But when the word "welfare" was substituted for "assistance to the poor," sentiment swung the other way.
The league's board of governors decided last week not to start next season with replacement players after sentiment among some owners and executives swung strongly against it.
Even if that was done, he said, it is unlikely that after 13 years the public sentiment has swung so mightily in the other direction.