And in the final, sentimental but touching scene, even he seems to have connected with something deeper than himself.
Critics felt that the play inappropriately combined sentimental scenes with comedy.
In between, there are a few sentimental scenes about the inarguable appeal of cute children.
Rogers Groups often depicted people interacting with each other in a sentimental scene.
She did not believe a word of it and despised Ellen for concocting such a sentimental and silly scene.
Other classic Adams photos harness modernist abstraction to sentimental scenes in much the same way.
It also slathers the ethnic equivalent of corn onto every sentimental scene.
How can one resist that sentimental scene?
None feature the kind of warm and sentimental scenes used in advertising for other insurance companies.
Their escape from the besieged castle became a fairly common sentimental scene in traditional Japanese art.