Thousands of Northern and Southern soldiers sang the sentimental song together across the lines.
It was a sentimental song, the lament of a cowboy who had known for a short time a girl who must leave the valley.
His death and the pain it caused his master was a common theme in sentimental songs.
It's a sentimental song: it begins with a man returning from the funeral of his friend's wife.
While he recorded mostly sentimental popular songs, he had more serious ideas and aspirations.
The sentimental song has been recorded many times.
A woman, on an elevated stage, sang a sentimental song.
In the United States he wrote sentimental and patriotic songs, which continued to appear until the last year of his life.
As an innovation, Booth had added modern sentimental songs to the various plays in his repertoire.
"The sentimental song became a rarity rather than a common occurrence."