Mahadevan says a sentimental story to make Maya not believe that they're here for the wrong reasons.
Christmas was there on every page - in the recipes, decorations and sentimental stories.
What could have been a sentimental story remains understated.
But that would be a sentimental story, not true.
A sentimental Irish story doesn't need much to hit the spot, but this one rings false.
They predict audiences will continue to devour the show's sentimental story anyway.
But defectors who want out of the far right and into the respectable middle are peddling a more sentimental story.
Now don't say it's a silly, sentimental story, that's what poverty means in real terms to actual people.
She early began to write fiction for different magazines, producing sentimental stories, chiefly of army life.
The film involves a touching sentimental story between a brother and a sister.