The international frontier that once separated Israel from the West Bank cut Bartaa in two, following a valley that runs through its heart.
Also, two Palestinians carrying bombs were killed in an explosion at the fence that separates Gaza and Israel, the army said.
Delegitimization is seen by some observers to be a double standard which separates Israel from other legitimate nations which have imperfect government.
While in Israel, he questioned about the barrier wall that separates Israel from Palestinians.
The missile apparently landed just across the "green line" separating Israel from the occupiedterritory.
That is the 1948 armistice border separating Israel from the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
In order to get overseas, however, the fruits need to pass through the checkpoint that separates Israel and Gaza.
Many barriers which separated Israel from its neighbors are gone.
As you read this, a fence is going up to separate Israel from Palestinians.
Recently a wall has been completed and is now separating Israel from the West Bank.