For a time, he and Sara had tried using words, talking about their separate adventures, sharing news of friends living and dead.
What follows are two separate adventures which lead both princes to their destinies.
He and I, just back from separate adventures in South America, recently found ourselves at the same party, on opposite sides of a baked ham.
But no sooner as one battle ends the 2 teams become embroiled in separate adventures.
The stories usually worked out that two separate adventures were going on at the same time.
Apart from albums 4, 5 and 6, each album is a separate adventure and the stories are inconsistent.
But that was a separate adventure, along with how she learned to use her new wings to fly.
The Vice Society follows its predecessor in time, despite being a separate adventure that can be read independently.
Like all great public events, the New York Yankees' victory parade was not a single experience, but thousands of separate adventures.
This module is divided into two separate adventures, which can be played as successive scenarios.