The solution is obviously to have separate antennae stuck in different places around your body, and somehow communicating with the base phone.
There is often not enough tower space to accommodate a separate antenna for each repeater at crowded equipment sites.
The Type 32 was another 10-cm system, this one having separate square-horn antennas.
Type 33 was still another 10-cm set; this one used separate round-horn antennas.
Another distinctive feature of this model is that it may be connected to two separate antennas.
Usually the radiated signals arrive at the separate antennas at different times.
For a small monthly fee a home could have television service without having three separate antennae on the roof.
To further improve reception quality, an optional headset with a separate antenna will also be available in the coming months.
The Internet service uses a separate antenna and processing system, designed by a separate firm.
First, they set up a controller between the computers, which receives all the echoes on four separate antennas.