Although popular in the 1970s and 1980s, modern computers use a variety of separate buses adapted to more specific needs.
The ad announced separate buses for families and for men only, accompanied by a supervisor on board.
And a separate bus of women wearing head scarves.
On the way, he learns about racial separation in Johannesburg, including separate buses for whites and blacks.
Mexican officials said 19 refugees who were suspected of causing friction had been handcuffed and put onto a separate bus.
The air conditioning loads were divided in half, each half fed from a separate bus.
On some such vehicles, women board and sit at the back of the bus; in other cases, completely separate buses are used.
Children are transported to school from their home or local daycare center on a separate bus.
They must have felt it was to their advantage not to spread it around and find themselves on separate buses.
If there were separate buses we'd take them.