Each endpoint can establish many separate virtual calls to different endpoints.
Sometimes the two rules are combined, allowing one separate call of "Blitz!"
But it is inviting, combining several types of goods and services that usually require separate calls or stops.
A separate call to is necessary for mapping the window, that is, for making it visible on the screen.
"I made two separate calls to see what would happen."
When the emergency appropriations bill was approved by the Senate last week, it contained no separate call for budget cuts.
Three separate calls to his office came up with the same information.
Wilkins also claims the technology is outdated, making it difficult to piece together different parts of a case from separate calls.
In 1937, he received three separate calls to go back to Japan for a last missionary effort at the age of 75.
He would also place a separate call each day to his father, just so dad would not feel left out.