How far the other goddesses in the Minoan pantheon were separate independent deities is very hard to tell.
For further information, see the articles on the separate deities Mitra (Vedic) and Varuna.
Using these techniques, researchers have discerned several separate deities or supernaturals embodying the characteristics of various animals.
The Numakulla are sometimes described as a dual-aspect deity rather than two separate deities.
They who worship so many separate deities seem unaware that we worship only the diverse faces of me one Source.
In later times under Hellenising influence they came to be considered as separate deities and consorts of the god.
It is either political craft or the remains of the Pagan system, when every nation had its separate and particular deity.
Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity, and own brother of Jove?
But it could also have stemmed from some other factor, such as this evident individuality of gods, as though each religion had its own separate deity.
A second variation purports that God and nature exist as separate deities (Griffin, 1994).