The prison has space for nearly 230 inmates, who are separated into five divisions according to their level of risk.
But the system would be different, just as it was when teams were separated into two divisions in each league in 1969.
The schools were then separated into two four-team divisions based on enrollment.
The schools are separated into two divisions, based on the their enrollment.
Participating counties are separated into three divisions based on their full-time enrollment numbers for grades 9-12.
There were 8 teams separated into two divisions, scheduled to play during the inaugural 2011 season.
By 1918 Pathé had grown to the point where it was necessary to separate operations into two distinct divisions.
Below are the results of the election, separated into the 7 districts and 84 divisions.
This game may be played with a single pack, by separating the same into two divisions, each containing a red and black suit.
In 1973-74, the league expanded to seven teams and separated into two divisions.