Bio-reactive molecules can be adsorbed or coupled to their surface, and used to separate biological materials such as cells, proteins, or nucleic acids.
Cuddie Springs is unusual in having a dense deflation pavement that separates recent materials (such as cow bones) from the Pleistocene layers.
Froth flotation is a process for selectively separating hydrophobic materials from hydrophilic.
New rules took effect this month requiring waste generators, like offices and factories, to separate recyclable materials, a task that was previously left to the garbage companies.
You should separate materials that are incompatible, such as chemicals that may react together if they leak.
Consumers also pay more attention to separating recyclable materials.
First, a large trommel separates materials like appliances and fabrics.
Distillation is a commonly used operation in oil industry, where it is used to separate various fuels and raw materials from crude oil.
If successful, the program would be extended statewide by 1990, when Rhode Islanders will also be required to separate recyclable materials from household garbage.
Biogas can also be produced by separating organic materials from waste that otherwise goes to landfills.