In 1994 to 1995, the school's campus was redesigned to make one large building from the original 3 separate ones.
They built roads, businesses, and schools, including separate ones for white and black children.
Are you all working on the same one incidentally or have you got separate ones?
How does this affect the single central record - should we have one covering the whole federation or stick with our separate ones?
The goal has been to see the schools as one system, not two separate ones for special and regular education.
"How do two people build a life together when they've both already built separate ones, completely different ones?"
The three steeples, the main center one and the two separate ones to the side, were damaged in 1921.
There were brothels for men and separate ones for officers.
It was composed, not as one work, but as four separate ones, each with its own title page.
As the brushes are relatively inexpensive, separate ones could be used for different glazes.