On an individual level, perhaps as many as 99.5% of separate organisms died as a result of the event.
A large body of separate organisms which when grouped together form the semblance of something else, either for camouflage or defence.
In 1867 Schwendener announced to the scientific world his hypothesis that lichen was formed by two separate organisms, a fungus and an alga.
Remember, each curd is a separate organism.
The zones received their human-assigned numbers by order of discovery, not identification as separate organisms.
Sometimes the partners can exist as separate organisms: certainly their close relatives can.
Symbiogenesis is the merging of two separate organisms to form a single new organism.
"Different parts of her body are developing at different rates, as if they were not a unit but parts of separate organisms," Walker explains.
PCR analysis of the two worms has shown the two to be separate but closely related organisms.
For example, the mitochondrion may have been a separate organism that "moved in" to a host cell.