Two people were killed and 17 wounded in two separate outbreaks of factional violence, the South African police reported today.
Responding to a set of separate outbreaks, the Food and Drug Administration issued an alert last week after 14 people died, possibly from contact with latex.
The movement did not have a central doctrine or overall leaders, but a popular passion for the movement occurred all over Europe in separate outbreaks.
Health officials in Minnesota and Iowa are investigating a separate outbreak of E. coli O157 infections associated with another fast food restaurant chain.
In our practice we have seen two separate outbreaks of strangles recently.
Was it a separate outbreak from L.A. or merely an extension of that one?
A separate outbreak in Canada that same year occurred in mink eating some horsemeat along with slaughterhouse byproducts consisting of cattle parts deemed unfit for human consumption.
The Crown Princess had previously been plagued by two separate outbreaks of norovirus in January/February 2012.
On May 20, two separate outbreaks took place simultaneously.
Mallon was the first known healthy carrier of typhoid, who instigated several separate outbreaks of the disease and is known to have infected over fifty people through her job as a cook.