This led the Committee to propose two separate new statutes.
Nebraska has recognized this constitutional limitation in its separate statute generally proscribing postviability abortions.
Guinea prohibits all forms of trafficking in persons through separate statutes.
Navarre has a separate statute of autonomy, also based on the historical medieval charters.
Unreasonable physical punishment may be charged as assault or under a separate statute for child abuse.
There is nothing to prevent the Legislature from imposing a reporting requirement on physicians in two separate statutes, even if their coverage apparently overlaps.
There should be a separate statute to cover terror victims, and I'm not just talking about funeral expenses and the cost of transporting a body.
English Partnerships was legally two entirely independent bodies set up under separate statutes.
British law comprises thousands of separate statutes and decided cases: none of them give unqualified support to freedom of expression.
The privilege is defined in over 50 separate statutes and may therefore vary in important ways: