Anticipating 'Everything' Also before the separation surgery could be undertaken, a entire section of the hospital needed to be rewired.
Plastic surgeons implanted balloons under the scalps to stretch the skin to cover the tops of their heads after the separation surgery.
But because they have recovered from their more than 17-hour separation surgery so quickly, they were again moved into the same hospital room yesterday, their doctors said.
The separation surgery was the fourth operation for the boys over the past year.
Today, It became a recognized center on the international level in Conjoined twins separation surgery.
Doctors said that both boys suffered slight brain damage during the separation surgery and that, as a result, they might have some vision problems.
Not long ago, I wrote an article about conjoined, or Siamese, twins and the debate over whether separation surgery was always the best course.
Their family and doctors believed separation surgery would give both girls their best chance to live a normal life.
Following their separation surgery, both girls began learning to walk using crutches.
They present a particular challenge in separation surgery because they share many organ systems.