The detailed, sepia-toned photograph looks like a lusciously thick mudslide.
Then the color drains out of it and it becomes a sepia-toned photograph.
A large sepia-toned photograph of the restaurant, complete with pock-marked driveway, is still in place behind the long, wooden bar.
There were sepia-toned photographs of a stern-faced young man and a pretty young woman on the mantel.
Dave glanced back at his studio where a couple lingered, looking at the sepia-toned photographs on display.
The family members spent their time looking for familiar faces in old sepia-toned photographs and listening to oral histories presented by senior Szklaniewiczes.
She glanced at a sepia-toned photograph on the mantle.
The only giveaway is the spotlighted sepia-toned vintage photographs of the extended Chin family.
Old sepia-toned photographs of pub and village hang on the walls.
The soft, sepia-toned photographs of the early "innings" give way to harsh, bright colors.