The screaming had died away in sepulchral silence; but far off we heard the light and muffled thud of running feet.
There is a peculiar tenderness to these portraits of family and friends in which the atmosphere is of an almost sepulchral silence.
It's an image of almost sepulchral silence.
A sepulchral silence hung over the floodlit building and, as the Governor passed from cell to cell, he had the illusion of being in a charnel-house.
For long moments no sound broke the sepulchral silence of the cave.
One might mention an object or a locality, and sepulchral silence would descend.
The most bloodchilling sound she had ever heard rose above the sepulchral silence of the cemetery.
Planned or not, the sepulchral silence of Mr. Bush's military audience was the perfect dazed response to what was literally a summer rerun.
Throughout, a sepulchral silence hung over the rain forest, but Vince sensed a thousand eyes watching, the eyes of wild things.
Normally, sepulchral silence would mean disaster for a comedian.