Name Control The name control (a sequence of characters derived from a taxpayer's name) and TIN on an electronically filed return must match our records.
Some hearty sequences derived from folk dancing were led with pride and vitality by Jenifer Ringer and Albert Evans.
The presence of internal stop codons or frameshift mutations was used to identify pseudogenes, but only if the feature could be verified in a sequence derived from a different cloning library.
RH mapping is an effective tool for building ordered maps of conserved sequences, derived from genes, thus integrating linkage and physical maps of mammalian chromosomes.
The synthetic linker and adapter sequences are shown in small letters, sequences derived from parental pAcUW3 and pAcYM1 vectors are represented in capital letters.
Although epitopes are usually non-self proteins, sequences derived from the host that can be recognized are also epitopes.
For example, the genomes of most vertebrate species contain hundreds to thousands of sequences derived from ancient retroviruses.
The increasing appearance of numbers in that sequence derived from Silverman's use of a similar tactic when he had to develop a set design for the play The Adding Machine.
The transcripts initiated within PdL will therefore contain 280 bp of 5' untranslated sequence derived from PdL itself.
In a sequence derived from a famous Philippine folk dance, some dancers clacked poles together while Mr. Cortez skipped nimbly between and over the rapidly moving objects.