The first feature is that the hybridization signal is generally inversely proportional to sequence length, and two of the outlier clones have unusually short lengths.
The search space thus increases exponentially with increasing n and is also strongly dependent on sequence length.
This may allow sequence lengths of the order of 7-8 thousand base pairs, sufficient to incorporate rudimentary error correction enzymes.
However, the setup and computational requirements of a cryptographic hash may not be worth it for small sequence lengths.
After pasting a protein sequence into the RaptorX submission form, a user will typically wait a couple of hours (depending on sequence length) for a prediction to complete.
The sequence length increases each trial until the participant is no longer able to replicate the pattern correctly.
This density allows the event to occur more frequently, so the sequence lengths gets smaller for a given estimator variance.
Local randomness refers to the idea that there can be minimum sequence lengths in which random distributions are approximated.
This domain has a sequence length of at least 130 amino acids which fold to give a beta sheet sandwich.
In humans, the codifying gene of Musashi homologue 2 is located in chromosome 17q23.2 and has a sequence length of 1,414bp of with 987bp are encoded.